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How to Use a Real Estate Virtual Assistant to Grow Your Business

The real estate market is overheating right now, and you’re probably trying to work as hard as you can to cash in on the hot market before things cool down. But as one person, there’s only so much you can do. With a real estate virtual assistant, you’ve got the help you need to grow your real estate business without sacrificing yourself or your family.

You are answering client phone calls, touring homes, scheduling inspections, writing offers, and so much more. If you’re a top-producing agent, these tasks probably take up every minute of your time, day and night.

While real estate can be a very lucrative and rewarding career, we often see Realtors working themselves to exhaustion to grow their business when it’s just not necessary.

Let’s dive into how a real estate virtual assistant can help you.

What is a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

A real estate virtual assistant is the assistant you’ve always wished you could have when your schedule is jam-packed and there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.

A virtual real estate assistant works remotely to help you with the time-consuming tasks that keep you from doing what you do best — meeting clients, hosting open houses, making sales, and more.

The best real estate virtual assistants can help you with tasks such as:

  • Scheduling home tours, inspections, surveys, closings, etc.

  • Marketing activities like lead farming and sending mailers

  • New client intake

  • Sending e-forms and making sure they are signed on time

  • Tracking marketing tactics to find which ones work best

  • Managing and organizing your contact list and CRM

  • Basic bookkeeping tasks

  • Creating presentations

  • Prospecting

  • Following up on leads

  • Managing your emails

  • Answering calls, taking messages, and responding to questions

  • Other admin-type tasks that can be done remotely

Think about the time you could save if you unloaded this list of tasks onto your virtual real estate assistant. You’re probably spending several hours a week on these, if not more, and though they’re all critical to running your real estate business, they’re not revenue-generating activities.

When you hand these over to your assistant, you can use those hours to further your business with more one-on-one time with clients, networking, or simply taking some much-needed time to yourself to recharge and fill your tank.

How Does a Virtual Real Estate Assistant Work?

Working with a virtual real estate assistant is much like working with an in-person assistant. This person will become your right hand, backing you up when you need support and keeping you on track so you can get more done.

How and when you assign tasks to your virtual assistant is up to you. Some real estate agents like to schedule their real estate assistants to work a certain set of hours every week, and they ask the assistant to do what’s needed, as it is needed during those hours. Others like to set up a recurring task list that their real estate VA completes every week or every month.

The type of real estate assistance you need will dictate how you work with your real estate virtual assistant and don’t worry – as your needs change, your VA will adjust right along with you.

How to Assign Tasks to My Real Estate Virtual Assistant

You can assign tasks to your virtual assistant via a project management portal like Teamwork or Asana, or simply by sending your VA an email or having a Skype call. How formal or informal your task-assigning process is, is up to you.

If you need to chat with your VA during the day, instant messaging apps like Slack and Skype can be used right from your phone to either chat, video call, or share your screen, share pictures, and share files.

One great thing about working with a virtual assistant is that life as a Realtor means life on the go, so you’re already familiar with getting things done virtually, like sending emails from an open house or responding to new client inquiries while waiting for a home tour to start.

Because of how Realtors work, you will find that adding a real estate virtual assistant to your day is seamless and stress-free.

What to do Before Hiring a Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Remember that you need to get your work in order before you go out and start interviewing VAs. This will help you set clear goals from the start.

From there, it will be easy for you to look over projects and make sure that every job you give your VA is set up for success.

If you’re ever unsure, you can request to have access to see exactly how your virtual assistant is spending their time. But if you set the right goals, you shouldn’t have to check in so often.

Start by setting up your own business system and process. Then, figure out where the main bottlenecks are and the exact tasks and outcomes that would help get rid of those bottlenecks and bring in more deals. Then, write up a job description with clear goals and an idea of what success looks like in this role.

Is Working With a Virtual Real Estate Assistant Safe?

When you’re helping a client buy or sell a home, you’re in charge of handling all sorts of sensitive information like tax records, financial statements, and the like. When working with your real estate virtual assistant, these sensitive documents may pass through their hands as well.

That’s why all of our VAs here at BizVA are equipped with secure document-sharing software that keeps your clients’ information safe from hackers and prying eyes, providing top-tier security and peace of mind.

Ready to Hire a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

A real estate virtual assistant can help you scale your real estate business without working yourself to the bone.

Schedule your call with BizVA today, and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions and get you on the road to a more enjoyable and profitable real estate business.

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